Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This weekend hubby and I celebrate 8 years of wedded bliss.
We joke about it being 8 years of extreme torture!But the years have just flown by.

Most of you know we met online and got married 4 days after we first met.Most people thought it would not last but it has!
Sure we have our ups and downs but at the end of the day we can truly say that we are happy.
Hubby says our marriage succeeds because of my compromise!The truth is every marriage survives because of compromises made.
I dont really understand when he talks about Twin Cam and Brake pads and I'm sure he does not care what my mileage per week was or my running stats for last year was!
But I do care when the bike is working in perfect order so that I can ride on the back without any worries!
I've been blessed...